Пример: 99bottles

Печатает знаменитую песенку "99 бутылок" на английском

use, "strings"
bottles = 99
if bottles == 0
	print, "No more bottles of beer on the wall, no more bottles of beer."
	print, "Go to the store and buy some more, 99 bottles of beer on the wall..."
	exit, 0
	strings:itoa, bottles
	append, returned, " bottles of beer on the wall"
	print, returned
	strings:itoa, bottles
	append, returned, " bottles of beer!"
	print, returned
	print, "Take one down, pass it around"
	bottles = bottles-1
	strings:itoa, bottles
	append, returned, " bottles of beer on the wall"
	print, returned
	print, ""
	jump, 5